And sing like never before!

We have a team that is ready to 'befriend' you into our membership!

Initially you can choose to simply attend our weekly rehearsals just to watch and listen. Of course, you are always welcome to join in during your visit. Then if you want to take it further, there are two stages to membership;

Stage 1. Membership of the Club
Stage 2. Membership of a Chorus

Membership of the Club is all about being part of us and being able to join in rehearsals, identify best voice placement in four part harmony, benefit from vocal development work and access appropriate materials on our website

Membership of a Chorus is all about having  ‘Regular Member’ access to information and materials on this website and working towards public performances as a member of your chosen chorus.

The Process

Stage 1. Membership of the Club
When you are ready you can ask us to i
ssue a formal invitation letter with Application form. Once registered, you will receive a Welcome letter and payment details for fees.

Stage 2. Membership of a Chorus
At your discretion, when you feel ready, for Sussex Kings of Harmony you can have an audition. An audition involves you being part of a small four part harmony group, singing an easy-going song chosen by the choral director.

If joining Sussex Kings of Harmony, you will then receive a BABS registration form and subsequently receive a Certificate of Membership entitling you to perform with the Chorus at Conventions, attend personally at Harmony College and have access to Members area of the BABS website.

If you're joining Sussex A Cappella, you will be recommended to join a section by the chorus director and after 4 weeks your membership will either be confirmed or not. There is no formal audition and it's a very friendly process.

Don’t read music? - no problem!

You don’t have to read music – we provide you with learning mp3 downloads which you can play between sessions to learn your part and we also issue members with sheet music which non-music readers find useful as an aid to memorising the words. 

Come and have a look at us ... you'll be made very welcome....

Sussex A Cappella rehearse every Monday evening from 7.30 - 9.30 pm at The Kings Centre, 33-35 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill RH15 9LR.

The Sussex Kings of Harmony rehearse every Tuesday evening from 7.30-9.50 pm at Woodlands Meed College, Birchwood Grove Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 0DP

The first rehearsal of each month is designated as an 'open' rehearsal so the first hour will be geared towards guest attendees. We'll sing songs you most probably know and we won't be spending time note bashing or getting technical.


Before you know it, you'll be part of something special!
Copyright © 2025 The Sussex Harmonisers